
Please consider donating to one of these organizations that supports primary prevention methods in stopping child sexual abuse.

ASAP International is an organization that helps connect minor attracted people with competent therapists who can support them. Their goal is that no minor attracted person ever have to struggle with their attractions alone.

The Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA) is an academic organization dedicated to research and putting policies based on research into practice. They lobby state and federal governments based on their research and vast knowledge in preventing sexual abuse.

MAP Support Club is a tightly moderated chat server primarily for supporting minor attracted people age 13 and up. By contributing to MAP Support Club, you are supporting the ability of having therapists in the chat, technical projects that make operation smoother, and hosting costs.

Women Against Registry (WAR) promotes the civil liberties of sex offenders who have completed their sentence, but are still restricted by sex offender registration laws that impact not only the sex offenders themselves, but the innocent parties: The offenders’ families and children. They promote fact-based laws over current efforts to restrict sex offenders after their sentence has been served, and they make a number of resources available to members of ex-offenders.

Stop It Now! does a lot of hard work in the practical side of primary prevention by making a lot of resources available to families, educators, and anyone willing to use their services. While Stop It Now! makes its resources available for free and does not charge, they are a nonprofit with a small staff looking to grow, so they could use your support.

Prostasia Foundation is a new (mid-2018) organization with three goals in mind: Child protection, human rights, and sex positivity. They believe that the facts and research need to come first when it comes to forming policies that seek to protect children. To find out more about their values, see here.

National Association for Rational Sex Offense Laws (NARSOL) is like Women Against Registry in many ways and works with WAR frequently. Unlike WAR, they have state-specific groups that work at the local level in those states to change current laws to being more fact-based so that they can more effectively do what they were originally designed to do: Protect humans from sex crimes.

The Moore Center for the Prevention of Child Sexual abuse is very similar to ATSA in many respects, but they focus on child sexual abuse. They hold an annual symposium that is very academic, but is also available on Youtube.

Many of their recommendations are like the other organizations on this page, but they focus on research and disseminating research to the general public. 

This site is currently funded privately and does not accept money of any kind for any reason. Any advertising is likewise privately funded. If you would like to give money to the cause of ending child sexual abuse, please consider the above organizations.